Last summer while driving through the countryside, there were was a sign at the end of a driveway that said, "Perennials, FREE" Bascially, they were roots covered with some dirt. I didn't know what they were but I thought, "What the heck! I'll give it a try." They've been growing and growing and growing. One day I noticed blooms!

Remember the Hens & Chicks from earlier this spring? (Here and Here) Also this past week, it started blooming!

I received a surprise package from Trecie as a Thank You for sending her a box a yarn a while back. She sent me a knitted washcloth and a stitched kimono. Both turned out really nice. Thank you, Trecie!

The weather has been horribly hot and humid the past couple of weeks. Temps have been in the 80's and 90's. I've felt like a knife cutting through humidity as I walked outside. It's also wreaked havoc on my head (headaches) and lungs (allergies/asthma). To top it off, I'm having to deal with bad hair. Oh what fun!
With all the "excitement" going on last week, I forgot to share! Way back in February, tickets went on sale for a concert. What concert are you wondering? Daughtry, Lifehouse, and Cavo! It was an awesome concert. I was in the upper level but right in front of the stage. Had I known I could've taken my camera, I would've gotten some great pics. :(

Daughtry's light show was fantastic, and I loved the artwork on his backdrop.

The lead singer of Lifehouse has a really good voice! He did a duet with Daughtry toward the end of Daughtry's set, which was really cool.

I'd never heard of this band, but they were really good.

I have a tiny patch of rhubarb in my backyard. With jelly jars I received from a lady on Freecycle, I tried my hand at canning jam.
Apparently the patch isn't all that small, since I was able to make 12 jars of jam!

I am sooo close to being done with ABC Lessons. So close that I've started looking for the "perfect" frame for it. Here's what it looks like so far:
I started a new project. (I know... naughty me) In one day, I was able to complete one half of the Tulip Bouquet Biscornu.

I substituted SSS floss for the Gloriana and Needlepoint Silks. I almost had a "disaster moment". I was running low on the SSS Spiced Drop after stitching the first square. I started looking through my SSS stash to see if I could find something close, and viola! I had another partial hank of Spiced Drop. :)
Those are evening primrose - and if they bloom during the day, rather than the evening, they are a variety called sundrops! They do spread like mad, but form a lovely carpet of sunshine yellow.
Hi Meari,
I'd guess they are buttercups :)
Oh Meari, you had such a time with that contractor! UGH.....I would have been livid... you are a good person!
Your RAK is lovely; I love the washcloth and the kimono... very nice gifts.
I CAN believe you are almost finished!!!!! You put me to shame girl! LOLLLLLLLLLLL....mine will get done, though. I love Lizzie Kate! I plan to work on her this week.
Love the Hens and Chicks; my mom had some of those; I tried to keep them, but did not have any luck.
Have a great three-day weekend!
Bah! Got an error message with my other comment. Long story short, everything is lovely. Flowers, pretty stitching, nice RAK. Oh and I'm getting headaches bad too now. Pity the warmer weather brings not so nice things with it.
Jams looks yummy! ^_^
Nice gifts that you received and love youn unknow flowers..... ..
I think the flower is a buttercup, but not sure. Nice progress pictures.
You have some pretty flowers. I didn't know hens and chicks flowered. Your stitching is beautiful.
Love the WIPs. Yumm-o on the jellies. And I hope you have a relaxing a/c Memorial Day :)
The flowers are very pretty. Don't know what they are though. And I love your stitching!
Nice RAK, wasn't Trecie sweet. Think the flowers are buttercups, but I am a little plant challenged. Cool about the concert, Daughtry is from our area, so I am thrilled that he has been a success.
mmm... Chris Daughtry.
Sorry got distracted by that pic. :)
Glad the show was good Meari!
Those yellow flowers are soo familiar but I am terrible with names.
LK is coming along so well! Awesome.
And the new start is just too pretty.
I dont know what the flowers are but they are very pretty.
Gorgeous stitching. The fabric on the bottom one is gorgeous.
Pretty flowers. Sorry I can't help you identify them. Your stiching RAK is really nice and I love your biscornu. It will beautiful when done. Your ABC piece is coming along really fast. Can't wait to see your 'perfect" frame for it.
ABC's is looking fantastic, almost there and ready for the frame. Love the new Biscornu start, is it for you?
the flowers are beautiful, but I sure don't know what they are!!! The hens & chicks are so pretty! I have never been able to get them to grow. Your LK is looking great! Won't be long!!!! Love the new start as well!
Lovely flowers. Pretty stitching.
You sound like one busy woman. I do love looking at guys in bands. Most of them are really cute. LOL. ABC lessons is coming along well, and the tulips are pretty.
What a nice RAK, and I hope the jam tastes yummy when you get around to eating it. Oh, and the picture of the kitten was hilarious.
Your flowers look like Evening Primrose to me...
Lovely gift received and ABC's looking beautiful!
Those bottled jam looks yummy!
ABC Lessons is looking wonderful and your new start is very pretty!
I always love visiting your blog and getting your weekly life update, Meari! Your photos are always so pretty and professional looking. I think the flowers are buttercups, too. When I was a little girl, we would pick one, hold it under a friend's chin, and if there was a yellow reflection on their chin, that meant that they liked butter. Strange how seeing your photo brought back that long-ago memory :)
Love your WIP--you're almost finished!
Beautiful flowers!
ABC lessons looks great, and lovely new start.
Meari -
What a pretty biscornu - just love the colors.
I have been following your "adventures" at the homestead very intently - we are about to start on a major house renovation and I'm not looking forward to it. I am so glad yours finally worked out.
What a nice posting! Flowers, music, stitching, cooking - all good! No more home renovations!
Love the blog.... beautiful flowers, bad hair day made me laugh... needed that... glad to hear ABC lessons is almost done... you remind me I need to find some frames too... love the tulips too... think I will start a small project Teddy totes while I do Christmas Joy. Keep up the wonderful blog... enjoy it!
Awesome stitching! Love the flowers, gift, and jam! I just love both Daughtry and Lifehouse - sounds like a great concert!
Love your biscornu-to-be!
You have been busy! Your stitching looks great! And the jam looks so pretty! Hope you get some relief from the heat soon. It's nasty hot here too.
Your stitching looks really good and that tulip biscorny stitching is coming so beautiful. I like your flowers too and your home doors are sooo beautiful, sorry to hear that you have had so much problem with them but they are just perfect.
Pretty flowers - don't know what they are though. Your Lizzie Kate is looking wonderful - still not got time to stitch mine up, but I will one day!
Meari - I don't think they are buttercups. There is a picture of a buttercup here:
Your flower looks exactly like the flowers my grandmother gave me years ago and she called them Sundrops. Picture here: When the flower quits blooming, the tall stalk will die back leaving a low carpet of green leaves that will stay there year round. They will bloom year after year and will spread. Yellow is not my favorite color, but I love my sundrops!! They are just so cheery! And they seem to be pretty hardy. :o) Your stitching looks great and your hen & chicks look like they're doing really well! Yey!
Pam K. :o)
I have some of those yellow flowers too, I thought they were sundrops or something, so looks like that's the consensus. Great update on everything. I've been crazy busy with Lauren's house, trying to get it move-in-able!!! I finally won a prize that you also entered for!! Yahooooo ;-)
I am officially jealous :) Daughtry is my favorite. Loved him since American Idol. He was on the only year I have ever watched that show.
Great stitching progress!
Love the stitching. I so wish I could have seen that concert. What do you mean you have never heard of Cavo??? I love their son Champagne.
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