Nov 12, 2012

It's A Happy Dance!!!

I started this project back in March. The designer's colors look like the photo to the right. I changed up all the colors. I finished Fleurs et Papillons on Sunday.

I'm going to save the "big reveal" until after I get it framed, but here's a preview:

As you know, I'm big into reuse and upscaling. Here's a preview of what the frame will look like. I'll be working on that this week.

This morning when I woke up it was a whopping 22F!  Can you say, "Brrrr!"?  This was 30 degrees cooler than it was yesterday morning.  Forecasters say temps will be in the 30's most of this week. Time to get out the winter coat and gloves!


Sandie said...

Hey Meari - that Fleur piece looks great. I love the colours you have chosen to replace them with. It's great when you've changed them around and it looks so good.
Winter gloves and coats all round I think now!

Cindy said...

Can't wait to see the finished project. Just the teasers are beautiful. So what goes into the rotation next?

Gillie said...

I love your colour choices! Hmm, send a bit of cold over the lake, please? It is pouring here!

Vickie said...

Oh, it is colder down there by you. Same weather, but about 5ยบ warmer up here.
Such a pretty, pretty finish. You are so clever. Cannot wait to see it framed! =)

MaryT said...

Hi Meari beautiful! Can hardly wait to see your piece framed.


Katie said...

I figured it's about time for another awesome project for you haha. Can't wait to see what you do this time.

Yeah just saw the first snow flakes here.

Bette said...

Very beautiful finish. Can't wait to see it framed.

Carolyn NC said...

Congrats-great job!

cucki said...

Very pretty finish..well done x

Tricia said...

It is going to be gorgeous framed, Meari!! Congratulations!!!

Unknown said...

That cold weater is heading east, we have had two days of the best weather, mittens will be back out tomorrow.

I can't wait to see see the big reveal, love the preview - it looks like pinks with grey - the colors my daughter has picked for her wedding. Wish my monitor had a better display

Melody said...

Congrats, Meari! It's so pretty, and I can tell already that I like your color changes WAY better than the original. Can't wait to see it framed :)

SoCal Debbie said...

Your color choices make it look so much more regal, and the frame will make it even more incredible. I can't wait to see it all!

Anonymous said...

I like your colors better Meari, very pretty! The frame you are using is one we use a lot in our framing business, one of my favorites. Will be looking forward to seeing it framed.

Our wind and rain hit about 2 AM, and it’s still raining now. After the rain the temperature will head down, down, down. We will have freezing temps all week too, guess winter is rearing it’s ugly head? Oh, sometimes not so ugly, when the snow is softly falling it can be beautiful, and a roaring fire and cuppa tea or hot chocolate and my stitching sounds just great. LOL.. Hope your week is good too!

Hugs, Shirley in KY

Patricia Cecilia said...

I think Fleurs et Papillons is going to be gorgeous once you've framed it! And unless I am mistaken, the molding you've picked out is one of my favorite Larsen Juhl moldings in that gold+grey finish I love. If you got that as a recycle project, you are very fortunate--good eye!

Anne Sans Tete said...

I tentatively think your colors will look better (waiting for the reveal to write it in stone!)- too much pink in the original for my taste.

You can keep your cold weather. It's 60 here & the heater's on & I'm wearing a sweatshirt- I obviously cannot handle cold!

Oh, how do you collage your pics? I really like the effect.

- Lisa N.

Barb said...

Love the colors you chose for the fleur piece it's going to be great when finished

geeky Heather said...

Oooo...your preview colors look great; can't wait to see the whole piece. =)

22F...BRRRR!! I don't like it when temperatures change so drastically like that! Since last Winter I have forgotten how to dress warmly enough!!

Anne said...

Oooh! Can't wait for the big reveal MEari! I'm loving the frame you are going to make. Funny how I also finished a big project just yesterday!! It's a good feeling to get it finished isn't it?!

Unknown said...

Love your colour changes, can't wait to see it framed xxx

Mary said...

Very pretty Meari, can't wait for the big reveal.

Anonymous said...

Definitely like your colours better.

Judith Truly in OH

Denise SA said...

Doing a happy dance for you . I love the colours you chose

Jo said...

Love the colours you chose for Fleurs et Papillons, much prefer those to the pinks. Know what you mean about the weather, only 4C when I took the kids to school this morning :-( Could be a lot worse though!

Terri said...

Congratulations on your beautiful finish! I can't wait to see it framed :D

Berly said...

Wow, I can't wait to see it framed and done! And, yes, I broke out the winter coat, gloves, & hat this morning!

lesli said...

Congratulations on your finish! The previews look amazing...can't wait to see it all framed up!!

Mouse said...

wooo hooo with the finish and happy dance :) love the moulding you have chosen too ... and its a wee bit chilly here as well :) love mouse xxxx

Nancy in IL said...

I'm really glad you changed the colors on Fleurs because I think the original is butt ugly, and I think some others are too. Yours looks beautiful! I really like Purple Garden, but not so crazy about all the lace and "girly" stuff she puts out. Purple Garden was my fave of all her designs. I'm really interested in seeing how you're going to develop the look of the frame pictured - how fascinating!

You go, girl!

Faith... said...

Anxiously waiting for the big reveal! Can't wait to see what you do with the frame.

Can't say I am to happy with the weather either - toooo cold for me!

OctoberLace said...

Lovely finish, Meari, and you've chosen a beautiful frame!

Anonymous said...

I like the coloours you have chosen and the frame as well and am sure it will look beatiful when finished.


Anonymous said...

Major congratulations on finishing Fleurs et Papillons!

The frame is looking great - I am so looking forward to see this all done up!


Chris said...

Congratulations on your finish!!
I love the colors you used. I can't wait to see it framed.
stay warm :)

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your finish, Meari!!

Karin in CA

Kay said...

Looks beautiful! A lot of hard work put into this and it shows. Have a good week!

Sue said...

I love the colors you chose for this project Meari, and I cannot wait for your big reveal! I am sure the frame will be gorgeous.


Anonymous said...

I'll be watching for your "reveal" post! It looks like a beauty! :o)

Rachel S-H said...

From the snippets, it looks wondrous!

rosey175 said...

I am so confused by your frame preview, LOL! The Big Reveal will ease my mind, I'm sure! I've already had out the winter hats and gloves but I am a huge pansy to cold so they were out in October, haha.

Anonymous said...

beautiful Meari. I'm looking forward to the reveal :)

Cheryl K

Anonymous said...

Hi Meari,

Congrats on your finish. Just from the snippets you showed, I really like your color choices much better. Can't wait to see it all framed up....

HUGS, Dee in TN

Joy said...

Lovely colors Meari! I like to pickup frames from thrift shops too! I can't wait to see your twist on the frame.

Anonymous said...

wow – that looks beautiful!

Kathy N in southern Alberta

Carol said...

Such a lovely finish, Meari--all your hard work paid off!! Congratulations and I look forward to seeing it all framed up :)

Anonymous said...

Yey!! Congratulation Meari!!!!! The colors you chose for Fleurs et Papillons are most definitely better than what the designer chose, IMO!!!! Can't wait to see it!!! It looks like the frame is going to be ornate, which I think will look great on this piece!!

Happy Trails,
Pam K. :o)

Lynette said...

Big congrats on your finish Meari!! I love the colours you've used and can't wait to see the whole piece when you have it framed!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful finish Meari, your colours look wonderful and complement the design perfectly.


Anonymous said...

Looking forward to seeing your piece framed.
Betty in AZ (ILCS)

Anonymous said...

That is lovely, I like your color choices.


Anonymous said...

Love your finish !!!!


glenda said...

Your colors are definitely better. I feel your pain regarding temperature. It's cold here, too! At least the huge storm went around us..on both sides. We really lucked out.

Akila said...

Looks gorgeous Meari. The frame looks very ethnic