May 17, 2024

Homestead Happenings - Part 1

Happy Friday everyone!  What's new with you?  Sit down for a spell and enjoy some Rhubarb Muffins with Struesel.

Things are happening around The Homestead!  At the end of summer last year, I had all the shrubs removed from around three sides of my house.  They were overgrown when I moved there 17 years ago, and had gotten even more unmanageable in recent years so they had to go.

Front of The Homestead

There is actually a sidewalk and steps to the porch in there!

Opposite end of The Homestead front, there was this HUGE 10x10 foot monstrosity.  It had grown so big, it was touching the pine tree and causing me difficulty when mowing.

Shrubs on the south side of The Homestead. The one on the corner was about 8 foot in diameter.  Red tagged for removal.

In the corner alcove were even more shrubs.  The landscaper I used to remove them said based on the size, the shrubs mostly likely were  planted when the house was built.

I contracted in May and finally in July, they were gone... gone.. gone!  Unfortunately, the day after removal we had torrential rain which caused dirt wash out into the driveway both in the front and back.

What a mess to clean up!

I hadn't planned on this issue and I had to decide quickly what I was going to do with all the bare ground!

Look!  There's the sidewalk and porch.

South Side of The Homestead
Doesn't it look a lot better?

All the shrubs and scrub trees removed from the alcove

I marveled at how different The Homestead looked after all the shrubs were removed. Very happy at not having to trim them anymore.

Until next time...


Marilyn said...

Old shrubs can get overpowering.
It looks nice now.

Purple Pixie Dust said...

Gee there was a house behind all those scrubs, looks fantastic. Have a great day. hugs Lynda Ruth

butterfly said...

Yes I know, our shrubs have got way to big to.
We try and keep them clipped but some will have to go this year. Have fun June.