For more info on my new home, click HERE.
After the closing, S asked: “Did you feel like you were gonna throw up at closing?” No, I felt nauseous on the way there. I was too involved in the paperwork and the attorney during closing to feel sick. S did say he wished he could be there for moral support. Awww, ain’t that sweet?
After closing, my Mom and I moved 5 truckloads of stuff. I was beat… she was still raring to go! Where does she get that energy? The back of my Dad’s truck was filthy dirty. I was the one who crawled back there and pushed/stacked boxes. Think Pigpen from Peanuts. That’s what I looked like by the end of the day. I told my Dad that my Mom said I needed a bath. He said: Why? What’s wrong with the way you look? LOL!
Saturday was another busy day of moving. My Dad/Mom moved 2-3 more truckloads before my brother and 2 of his friends showed up with more trucks and a big trailer to move the furniture. S also came with his truck and trailer. All of them had to work in the morning, then came to help me move. Troopers, they are! I’m very miffed at the fact that they were slamming/slinging furniture around (They were in a big hurry… not being careful) and my $800 oak roll top desk ended up not only scuffed (a lot!), but also needs the bracing underneath repaired.
I am very disappointed that a "good" friend of mine offered to help move did not show up, or even call. Every week for the past month she said she'd help me move. The day of closing, she said she'd help. I text messaged her to call when she got off work on Saturday and I'd let her know where we were. No call on Saturday -or- Sunday! Heck, here it is Tuesday and she hasn't even called. Yup. Very disappointed. Especially because whenever she's needed me, I was there for her. I even helped her move! :( *sigh*
I spent Sunday moving 4 more car loads (who’da thunk I had so much stuff!). I took my time...
During my lunch hour on Monday, I managed to move another car load. S came and we moved another truck/trailer and car load before going out to eat and then relaxing for a bit before he went home.
This morning before work, I loaded up another car load! LOL – I think I may have one or two car loads and a truck load left!
Boxes and furniture are stacked everywhere!!!
You never know how much you have until you try to move it.
We moved a LOT of our stuff from the old house in Maui to the new house about a year ago, but we left a lot of stuff for "staging". Yesterday we moved the first of the car loads of small/breakable stuff. We want to move another 3 - 4 car loads today. Then next week we will have to get movers to move the FURNITURE. We need to be completely out as soon as possible to let the cleaners in. The contract requires clean windows, inside cabinets and drawers, and clean carpets.
Hope you love your new place and get more of it set up soon.
Meari!!!! Congratulationssssssss!!!! I wish you much peace and happiness in your NEW HOME!!!
I hope you'll be very happy in your new home Meari! I don't envy you all that unpacking and sorting out that comes with moving though. I've done it twice with a removal firm but there's still a lot to do even then. I wouldn't want to do it again, not unless I win the lottery and can move to a bigger place! (LOL)
Congratulations you homeowner you!!!! Your house looks EXACTLY like my inlaws, except their's is all white siding and flipped the opposite ....enjoy! I LOVE your moving boxes pic, being a military brat I know so well how the box thing goes lol
Congrats on your new home, Meari. I know what it's like to move and hope you stay in your new home forever so you'll never have to go through all this again. Looking forward to seeing pics of the inside as you get everything set up. BTW, hope all your moving was noisy for your neighbors and bothered them alot. I know that's not nice, but they deserve it.
Barb in TX
Wooo Hooo Congrats on becoming a Homeowner. It has its blessings, and its headaches; but it sure beats paying someone every month for something you will never own!!!!1 I hope that your neighbors are much better this time around, and that your unpacking time goes smoothly.
Congratulations on being a homeowner! You will now find that every bank or financial institution that exists now want to give you credit.
Congratulations on homeownership!
Good luck with finishing the move and all the unpacking.
So happy for you Meari good luck with the unpacking as well.
HUGS Patty
I am so happy for you!!!
Kim in MO
Congrats! Way to go! Sounds like a lot of work, but what a great felling. Homeowner! You go girl!
Congratulations on your new home. All the best with the unpacking.
You did it!!! I know you can't seem to help yourself LOL, but try not to wear yourself down and get sick. This is the time of year for it...
I hope you feel happy and comfortable very soon!
Didn't realize how much stuff you really had did you? I am glad that you had so much help-Don't sweat the friend. We always find out who our true friends are at times like these.
Woohoo! Congratulations on owning your own home. You'll be moved in no time and able to enjoy your own place, with no annoying neighbors to fight with about the lawn. :)
I told you that stuffed multiply when you aren't looking!
Wahoo! Congrats. Now the fun begins as you unpack everything you just packed! LOL
Take your time so that everything finds its place.
Yay Meari! Congratulations!!
Congratulations on your new home. Hope you enjoy it for years to come!
Congratulations on getting so much moved and on getting into your first home. It is such a wonderful (although scary) feeling. Hope you get the rest of your stuffed moved and then all settled in without any more incidents, that's to bad on the desk (I'd have wanted to thump someone).
Oh goodness! That is a lot to move and you're still breathing and able to post about it! :-) So, who won? Come on, tell me. Or is it still to come in another post I've missed?
Just a belated congrats on your new house. Hope you are getting settled in.
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