I took my project for a mailart exchange and almost finished it. Here's a preview:

the first day of the retreat.
I finished putting together the biscornu I've been working on. All I can say is that I am SO GLAD this is not for an exchange. It turned out terrible! It's got to be the worst thing I've ever made.
This year, we had somewhere around 44 designers/shops donate goodies for our retreat. A big THANK YOU goes out to Debra H and Aleyna for organizing the retreat and getting the donations. Here's what I came home with (not counting the Free For All table):

I also got my very first HAED:
I was the third person (I think) to win a doorprize. Unlike Vickie and Debra... I *didn't* draw my own name, lol. Someone else drew my name out of the cup. Here's what I won:
Can you say AWESOME?!?!
More photos of the retreat can be seen HERE.
I loaded about 1/2 of my stuff in the car on Saturday night so that I wouldn't have so much to do Sunday morning. Right before I was about to leave on Sunday, a text message came to my phone: "Be Careful. Heavy storms are rollin through." Oh great. Here's what the skies looked like as I made the return trip home:

Fortunately, the trip was uneventful and the skies cleared up. The weather was really nice albeit windy. I had a blast at the retreat, but was really happy to see signs for Hwy 20 that lead to home.
great stash haul!!! The designers/shops are always so generous!!!!!
So glad your trip home was uneventful!!
A great week! Wouldn´t you come next time to stitch in Mexico, pleasssse?
Wow...Meari...why shame on you for being such a Naughty Stitcher stealin all of those patterns...geesh so pete...LOL....you didn't buy me any...why shame on you...LOL...
I'm glad that you had a great time and that you really enjoyed yourself with the other stitchers and some of the Designers.
Love your Photos Meari....
Now Meari...could you start all of those new patterns just for me so I can see your progress on them...I thank you Meari...LOL...
Take care & Happy Stitching
Linda K
Holy Cow!!! I am so jealous!!! Look at all that stash!!! amazing! I LIKE your biscornu!! I don't think it looks bad at all! It's cute. Glad you made it home safe!! I love it when the sky clouds up like that before a storm! But I wouldn't want to be driving in it!
What a wonderful report!! I'm so glad that you had such a good time and had enough room to bring home all the goodies!! I'd love to just come roll in all that loveliness!! Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy!!! :)
OMG, that sounds like an absolutely heavenly retreat. I think I am seriously jealous.
You made out like a bandit! A stitching bandit! WOW!
I am so glad you had a safe trip home. And really glad you had a great time!
PS. Hotlips is back. Check my blog for a picture!
Wow amazing stash Meari!! Do start your HAED sooner, and the blue geisha that is one of the below posts...
Thanks for the retreat pics, looks like you had loads of fun!
Thanks for sharing your trip - it's like I was there too!
Wow Meari it looks like you had a blast! And the new stash you picked up is outrageous.. . I'm glad you went and had fun.
Sandy P.
Just read your retreat posts. Wow, that sounds like one fun, wonderful retreat.
Love all the new stash. That ought to keep your needles smoking for quite some time.
Wow! What a stash haul!!! I'm sure you had a great time but were also very glad to get back home.
Looks like so much fun! Great stitching and stash.
WoW! that is an awesome stash haul!!
From what I see I think your mailart is going to look fabulous.
Your biscornu looks beautiful. What is wrong with it?
I loved reading all your retreat posts. You all came home with some really fun stash. And it looks like you had a wonderful time.
WOW (in the biggest of capitals)!!!! I do love India, but this is one reason why I wish I were in the US!!!
Looks like you really had a great time. And I love the Cross stitch shop too. Congrats on all your wins :))
You really cleaned up, Meari--great stash and a wonderful door prize.
I'm the same way, I always love returning home no matter how much fun I had while away :)
Congratulation on the prize and stash and, Meari, don't beat yourself up, the biscornu really doesn't look so bad even if the picture doesn't show the whole truth...
Sounds like a great weekend.
I really love to read your bocks retreat update. Nice to hear that you have had wonderful time and funny and those places looks really great too. thank for sharing those pictures with us
Enjoyed reading your update about your retreat. Looks like you all had a great time and such lovely lovely goodies. Thanks for sharing.
awesome new stuff!
I can't wait to see you start that HAED.
Glad it was a good time!!! :)
A Chatelaine AND a HAED....what is this world coming too??? LOL
Glad you had such a great time. I loved looking at all the pictures and seeing and hearing what fun you all had. Major great stashing too, you have such wonderful new projects to look forward too.
Aren't retreats just fantastic?
Yea!! No Storms on the way home. love all your Goodies! What's wrong with your Biscornu????? If at 1st you don't succeed, Try, try, Again!!!!!!
cool. hugs from Italy
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