Since we were so close to St. Louis, Debra S, Karin, and I wanted to go up in the Arch. Even though I'm afraid of heights, I couldn't pass up the opportunity!
Underneath the Arch are museums and stores. Who would've thunk it? I was good there, too, and only bought postcards depicting the Arch. That thing is HUGE! Did you know the St. Louis Arch is part of the National Park System? We actually had a park ranger up in the Arch with us!

People were actually removed from the tram line if they got in line more than 5 minutes before their designated time. I kicked a family out of line... LOL I explained what we were told and said "Either I kick you out or they kick you out." HaHa
Only 630ft to the top. It takes a little over 4 minutes to get to the top, and 3 minutes for the ride down. The trams are tiny and I do mean TINY! Five people are crammed into the circular shaped car, the only windows being on the 4ft high door to get into the thing. If you're claustrophobic, you probably wouldn't like it. A bit of trivia: The arch is as wide as it is tall.
Karin getting good shots from atop the arch. All three of us were doing the same thing.

More photos can be seen HERE.
Ruth Sparrow of Twisted Threads joined us for dinner and brought each of us a goodie bag!
Aleyna's DH teased her for a couple days by telling her he had a good surprise for her, but wouldn't tell her what it was. Here, she's texting him... asking if he's pregnant with triplets! LOL

Your pictures from the Arch turn out nice. That was too funny - when you kicked them out of the line. The picture of Alyena is too much, that face that she is making.
I am having a blast looking at all these photos and reading about your trip!!!
Love the pictures! Sounds like you all had a great time at the retreat. Were you able to take Celeste with you or did you have someone sit with her?
Should you ever need a change of pace career wise, you would make a great travel escort!
Now, Meari! No fair keeping us in suspense! What was Aleyna's surprise?????? Inquiring minds want to know!!! (ME) Robin Ingle
It's cool to see pics of the Arch. I lived in Illinois and when we went to St. Louis to go in the Arch is was way too windy.
Looks like you all had an awesome time and had lots of fun.
Thank you for sharing all these fun moments! I love the pictures!
So lovely! And I'm so jealous!!!
You are much braver than I. When I visited the Arch with a friend not even a bribe of chocolate could get me to go up in it. It is a awesome site.
Hi There,
Looks like you had a great 4th. It seems you had alot of fun on retreat. Loved seeing pitures of te arch.Thnk you for sharing. Wil be back often.
The retreat sounded like it was a ball! I hope to be able to get to one of these. Wonderful stash hall!
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