Aug 14, 2024

Homestead Happenings - Part 6

Did I mention Summer/Fall 2023 was very busy around The Homestead?
• Shrub Removal HERE.
• Flower Bed Landscaping HERE.
• Concrete Work HERE.
• Planted Climbing Roses HERE.
• Planted Hostas HERE.

My coworker's Mom gave me a bunch of irises to plant in the areas where I had shrubs removed.  So in the fall of 2023, I also planted irises.  I had no idea what the colors were until they bloomed earlier this year.

Beautiful Maroon Dwarf Irises

Purple Irises

More Purple Irises

Purple and White Irises

Close up of the Purple and White Iris. Isn't it beautiful?!

White and Yellow Iris

It was exciting to see what colors the irises turned out to be. They have grown so much this year, I will probably need to propagate next year.  Where will I put them all?

Until Next Time,


Marilyn said...

Oh, I love all of your Iris.
They are my favorite flower.
At our old house, I planted some all around a tree, I thought it would be so pretty.
The next Spring, they were clumped together.
Seems they migrate to each other & like to be in clumps.
Who knew! They were still pretty though.
What a nice surprise when you didn't know what colors they were.

Carol said...

What pretty irises! We actually just dug ours up and planted something else in their place because they just weren't doing well. You obviously have a green thumb :)