"When there is so little floss left, what do you do with it? I hate the idea of throwing it away, but what else can be done with it?"

My answer is simple. I loop them through holes punched in cardstock and label it. Then they're put in a ziploc bag, along with a "master list" written on another card. That way I can see at a glance what's in the bag. I use them on small projects such as ornaments and bookmarks. Or, on projects that call for a small amount of a certain color. No wasting here!
Very good idea! Smart girl! Oh and yes I ate a bug! i was 6, it was an ant and it tasted awful and no one dared me to do it.! Dumb kid thing! LOL!
What a great idea for those leftover little bits of floss!
That is just a fantastic idea!!!!
Great idea! I love the snowman snowglobe :-) I think I will use it in my header. If that is not cool with you, just let me know.
Oh, what a fantastic idea. I'm going to start doing that also. I've been just putting my scraps into a jar, but never knew what color number anything was. Today I start a new leaf. Thank you!!!
Barb in TX
Love your idea! I put mine in a little basket. I am going to put them out in the spring for the birds to use in their nests.
great idea for the leftover floss and very organized. I just am not that good-LOL
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