*Whew* The stress has already started after one week of class! I have another group project due this semester. There are 4 of us in the group this time. We have to choose a publically traded company and do a written financial analysis, then give an oral presentation on it. There will be three tests during the semester, in addition to homework problems and chapter reading. All in 8 weeks. I woke up in the middle of last night worried about whether I'd be able to do it with two jobs. Since I couldn't sleep, I read one of the chapters.
After weeks of high humidity and HOT-HOT-HOT temps, the weather has finally cooled down. I woke up to 59F temps this morning. Ahhhhh! Much better.
At 6am on the 11th, I walked outside and saw this rainbow to the west. The odd thing about it was that it hadn't rained for days! My guess is that there was so much humidity in the air, that a rainbow formed. About 3 days later, there was another rainbow to the east. This time due to some light showers.
No stitching this week, but I spent about 30 minutes doing more cleaning on my treadle sewing machine. I have the outside of the machine almost cleaned up.

Isn't it amazing what is underneath all that grime?
Absolutely stunning Meari; you did a fabulous job!
Very beautiful.
Wow, what an amazing sewing machine. You are doing an awesome job with it.
As for school vs work, I have NO doubt you can do it. You might drive yourself slightly bonkers in the process, but you can do it.
That sewing machine is beautiful, Meari! You'll manage work & school! If you haven't chosen a company yet, how about Caribou Coffee? Rich & I are considering buying stock in it, but I'd like to make sure they're not going to go under a month later!
Love that sewing machine. You did a wonderful job with it!
Sounds like you are one busy lady. The sewing machine is looking wonderful. What a great find. Also, you are the winner of my kitty giveaway so if you can email me your address, I'll get this off to you right away.
Of course, I realized that I didn't leave my email address on the last comment so here it is : azxser@aol.com. I don't have outlook express and my DH won't put it on the computer so I wasn't able to get your email address from it.
Two jobs and school. WOW, thank goodness you don't sleep LOL
The sewing machine is looking so wonderful. HOw lucky for it that it was saved by someone who gives it tender loving car.
Tried to leave a comment on site, but am having problems. Charley is pretty, glad she has adjusted to her new home. Hope you can keep up with her, school and work. Good luck with your classes and you will do fine you are a smart cookie.
Emily in NC
What an truly amazing difference in your "new" sewing machine, Meari! It looks great. What are you using to clean it up?
Please, please send that cooler, less humid weather east--I don't think I can take much more of this hot humid stuff!
You'll do great in your class--you always do :)
You are doing a great job with the sewing maching Meari.
Don't go worrying too much about school. I'm sure you will do fine - you've done really well so far!
Charley is very pretty, Meari. Glad she and Celeste have gotten used to each other. The Singer is looking beautiful. You've obviously put a lot of elbow grease into cleaning it.
Sandy in NM
Yuck is all I can say about school. But YEAH for the temps...it was perfect here today too and I didn't have to work. Took the dog for a walk and didn't come home looking like I had just stepped out of a steam bath!
You sewing machine is such an awesome find. It's looking great.
Love your sense of humor....you'll be all right. I have nights like that sometimes. Glad to hear you accomplished something since you were awake.
Like the treasure you found.
Also, your new pet. Suppose it's chatty. Will have to read later as time is short today. Lots of blogs to read.
Your sewing machine looks incredible. I would never have thought that underneath all the dust was a gorgeous machine.
Meari - I just love reading your blogs!! I'm still chuckling over your date! I'm soooo glad I don't have to do that! DH and I will be celebrating 30 years next month so I don't think I'd have a clue on how to act on a date, but I certainly think if that's the way they are going these days, I want no parts!!! DH & I joke that it's just way too much work & too expensive to get divorced at this point so I guess we'll just stick it out with each other! LOL! (Besides, I've finally gotten him trained to be tolerable and I'd hate to have to start over with someone else!!)
And congratulations on your new baby. Sounds like you are putting her in her place properly (or so she's letting you think you are!!)
Looking forward to your next "Day in the Life of....."
Am amazed at each of your thrift store finds!!! You really are extremely lucky when it comes to getting great deals ::))
Your treasure is gorgeous and I'm so glad you found it! :) Enjoy and looking forward to future posts. Good luck on the schoolwork!
Really cool sewing machine and the rainbow is awesome.
Your sewing machine looks great and goodluck with school.
Wow! What a find for $30! It's looking wonderful! Good luck with school!
What a difference in the look of that sewing machine. Love it!
And great catch of the rainbow Meari. :)
You are doing such an awesome job cleaning this up!
You're doing well with the sewing machine - I remember doing something similar last term with a public limited company - yuck, hated all that, so glad it's over (I passed my exams - heard the day we went on holiday - great start to holiday :)))))
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