It was a "good" sale, meaning lots of "stuff" and not a lot of clothes. People were scooping up all sorts of things... it was as much fun watching them as it was looking through the goodies. Nothing caught my eye.... until....
I saw this:

Guess how much I paid for this ornate treasure?
Only $30!!!
I've seen "plain jane" treadles sold for $100 on up, so I was really excited to see this one so reasonably priced. Both the treadle wheel and shuttle work very smoothly.

In doing some research, I have found out this particular machine is a Model 27 and made in 1899. The table is on wheels and supposed to have 7 drawers... the middle one is missing. I think it looks pretty darn good for being 111 years old.
The machine belonged to the prior owner's great aunt and had been stored in the attic so it was/is quite dirty. Additional photos that show off the piece better:

In one of the drawers was a Singer Puzzle box. There were 14 different puzzle boxes manufactured with accessories for Singer machines.

Aside from the presser feet and needles, I have *no* idea what the rest of the accessories are.

On Sunday, I started cleaning up the machine. Little did I realize what was under all that grime! I am very pleased with how it's turning out. Five hours later...

Wow, that is absolutely beautiful, Meari! Congrats on your find!
What a beautiful sewing machine!
I dont have the middle drawers, but I do have lots of those side drawers!
What beautiful find!!Lucky you!
OMG what a wonderful find,
My mom has a machine very similar to this one that was my great grandmothers. I love it!
What a wonderful treasure you found.
There is a yahoo group that could explain what some of your accessories are and answer any questions about your new machine
They were very helpful when I needed to find a manual for DH's grandmother
s old machine
Meari, I cannot believe this! I inherited one just like this from my SIL when she passed away. I will have to take a photo and send it to you! Everything looks exactly the same. Although, when she purchased hers, it was just the table; I have her Winger sewing machine inside of mine. I also have the chair. GREAT FIND!!!!!!!
Your GM is coming along fabulous! Love it.
Awesome find Meari! $30? Unbelievable! It cleaned up really nice. I am calling dibs on my mom's machine...I wonder if my sister realizes that! lol
She is absolutely georgeous, Meari. Congratulations on finding such an Elegant Lady at such a reasonable price.
Take Care &
Happy Stitching ... Sandy
Very cool treasure Meari!
Karin in CA
I love your finds and for only $30. I tell you, you find the greatest things. Enjoy your new machines.
I love it! My mom has one that she bought years ago for $75. You got an amazing deal!
$30?!?! That is an excellent deal! The sellers didn't know what a treasure they had!
What a great find !
I love the sewing machine, my Mum had one similar when I was little
WOW! A beautiful find!
It's been wet here in Wales today too Meari! In fact, we seem to have had an awful lot of rain since the schools broke up 3 weeks ago but not as much as you have had of course.
It sounds like you are going to be busy in the next few months with a new job and more school. I send you my best wishes for both.
You made some great finds in your treasure hunting - as usual!!
BTW, I like the new look on the blog!
what an awesome find!!!! Even if the machine was not there the cabinet is beautiful!!!! Wish I could find those deals!!
Great Find! and that's a Great price too. no wonder you snatched it up. You have Great cleaning skills too. Is there anything that you can't do? Well done my friend!
Happy Stitchin ( & Sewing!)
WOW! Did you ever find a deal on the sewing machinge. It is beautiful!
Man oh Man would I love to go garage sale shopping with you, my Mom had a treadle sewing machine but it was at my grandparents house and some one got to it before I did when they were clearing the place out to sell it, I did manage to get my Moms little Singer portable it sews like a dream. That case is awesome quite a find for $30. The other little one was a nice little goodie too. Just so you know I am very jealous of the treadle I would love to have one especially one that works. Very cool
OMG!! I've been wanting one of those old Single treadle machines for years! My grandma sewed on one until the last few years of her life. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to get my hands on it after she died.
And leave it to you to find such a beautiful one! You have a 6th sense or something to help you find those great bargains. I'm so jealous!
That is a beautiful find!! I wouldn't even dare use it. Just drool over it.
What an amazing find--congratulations!!
What a fabulous treasure, Meari!! You must be thrilled!!
Oh, Meari! What a wonderful treasure you've found!
As a child, we had a Singer Treadle machine in our "basement". I used to love playing with it before I actually learned to sew on my mother's electric model. When we moved to the city in '72, the treadle machine was sent to the dump, along with any number of other items which would be priceless today - including several old 16mm cartoon reels, including "Steamboat Willie" and "Barney Google" !
Betty W.
What a gorgeous treasure! You are so fortunate that you spied it.
Wow, what some great finds!!! I have always wanted a machine with a cabinet like that…. Let me know if you find another one for that price!! J It looks just like the one they use in Cracker Country at the Florida State Fair to let the kids make their stuffies each year. They have a handle on the side that the kids use to turn the wheel to close up the stuffing opening. I love both machines you found!! Congrats!!!
Congratulations on your finds Meari. I have a similar machine I got at an auction for, I think, $60, so you did well. I don't think mine is quite as old as yours as the cabinet isn't as elaborate although the machine is close to the same. I'll have to investigate it a little further though now that I see what you found. The puzzle box is an amazing bonus for you as well!!
And, if you do come up with a better system of saving your "Next Projects", please let me know!! I just end up stacking them in a pile somewhere and forgetting they're there! Although I don't have as many as you, I'm afraid I'm quickly catching up!!
When we moved into this house we found a Singer machine in the attic. According to the serial number it is from 1895. It was the only thing in the entire attic. Enjoy your new find.
Happy Stitching,
Kathy B in Texas
oh WOW!!! THAT IS AMAZING!! I am soooooooo jealous!! I have an awesome singer machine that belonged to my husbands grandmother that I payed almost $200 to get working again.. it looks just like yours, but it's electric.. one of the first electric ones.. problem is - I can figure out how to get it threaded - guess i will have to go back to the place that fixed it and get them to show me LOL love the little space saver too!! that is AWESOME.. You got some great finds!
Wow! What a deal on the sewing machine!! That thing is gorgeous!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Beautiful piece! I have one similar that was my Grandmother's but the legs are all wood. Have fun playing! And thanks for your comments on my blog!
Cyndi in So Cal
wow, how pretty!!!! You got a real treasure there!! Great job! And you cleaned it up beautifully!
What an absolutely gorgeous piece of history you found, Meari! I wish that finds like that could be found around here!
wow, what a find Meari! You really have a knack for finding amazing treasures.
I would be proud of that find if I was you! It looks like it's in excellent shape and so ornate!
Awesome find, and such a bargain!
I have seen a few of these for sale...but always more expensive and never as ornate or in this condition. You are very lucky to have found this one :)
WOW!!!! That's awesome Meari!!! Congratulations on an awesome find!! What a jewel under all that dirt!!! Woohooo!!!
Pam K. :o)
What an awesome find, Meari. It looks like the one my grandmother had.
Barb in TX
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