For those of you who stated you'd like to see photos of my hair: Hell No! (LOL) The coworker who thought I was "hip" kept coming to check on the status of my purple hair. :O In the course of a week, it did lighten up considerably, but whenever I was out in the sun or under bright light, I still had magenta hair. I went to the store and bought a soft black root touch up kit. No more magenta highlights!
A while back, Bette from Reflections of a Desert Rat was hosting a giveaway on her blog. I won a cute kitty chart along with a frame that has kitty paw prints all over it.

I was able to work on Gentle Menagerie this week. I finished up the pig (Isn't he cute?) and most of the goose. It won't be long and I'll be done with this one. Then I'll be scouring the thrift stores for the perfect frame :)
Have you noticed a "theme" to my GM WIP updates? It occurred to me that quite a few of my updates involve an animal with no head! Do I need help? Bwahahahaha!
Pirjo of Pike is Stitching! was the first person to guess what the pancakes were for last week's contest.
I planted zucchini in my garden this year and had a couple in the refrigerator waiting to have something done with.... when I saw this:
They were absolutely scrumptious. I learned a very "valuable lesson" while making these pancakes. Shredding zucchini works much better if you take the seeds out first! I had zucchini seeds flying everywhere, lol.
Pirjo, please email me with your snail mail addy and I'll get a prize out to you. Congrats on being the first to guess!
In other cooking news... I made chicken fajitas for the first time. There might be "fajita mix" packets at the store, I dunno. This recipe was "from scratch". I changed it up some and it was D-Licious! I had enough leftover that I made individually wrapped fajitas and put them in the freezer. Yummo!!
Over the weekend, I finishing staining the bed I started at the beginning of the month. No new pics yet, but you can see the WIP HERE. I have to put all the pieces back together to form the headboard and footboard. Then it can be set up, which means doing "something" with the
Meari, everything looks great! Love the giveaway that you won; very cute!!!!! AND, congrats to the person who won your giveaway.
I have been away most of the weekend and am now home... perspiring like crazy, even in the air conditioning. Our new tempurpedic mattress was just delivered...YYAYYYY!!!!! Now, hopefully for a good night's sleep; like Laura I was restless too, but I think because I was over tired.
Watch the mail this week for a RAK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hope you like it............
Congrats on winning. The Piggy does look Cute. I see a finish real soon.
Congrats on winning the prize and that cute cat frame! Your Wip is coming along nicely, it is going to be beautiful when done!
Congrats on winning the cat frame. Your Wip is progressing really nice. Soon you will be done. Those pancakes do look good!
GM is looking great Meari! You are really cruising right along with it.
Congrats on your win. Very cute frame and chart.
Glad the hair is toning down some. That is the reason I won't do my own. Too scared of what might happen.
Okay, so zucchini bread I can do...but zucchini pancakes is just not gonna happen here although to be perfectly honest, they look yummy!
Too funny about working ahead in your class. Maybe you should continue that when you can so sometime, when you most need to, you could take a bit of a break.
Have a great week!
Almost done with your farm animals I see. Nice job!
Gentle Menagerie is looking great!!!! Those zucchini pancakes look great. Care to share the recipe?
Betty in AZ
Menagerie is coming along nicely and looks really cute. Congrats on you win.
Great job on the stitching! The pig is really cute. Glad the hair is not so colorful!
I make potato pancakes all the time. Too bad I didn't think about the zucchini pancakes when I had all the zucchini coming out of the garden! Oh well, there is always next year!
Gentle Menagerie is looking great. Congrats on the win!
Great progress! Well, you're doing better than me, I still haven't gotten Mariah's room even ready for painting yet! Yes, grating zucchini does go much better without the seeds. :)
Congrads on your win. Cute WIP, the moo look adorable too.
Pancake looked yummy!
Meari--I just love how you're willing to tackle just about any project! From stitching to furniture refinishing to sewing machine renovating to fixing a broken toilet! You go girl!!! Don't know where you find the time between school and work--amazing :)
Menagerie is coming along very nicely. Can't wait to see it finished and the frame you get for it.
Hope the weather settles down for you soon and that they are SO WRONG about this coming winter. lol
Are you going to give your "Fajitas from scratch" recipe. That sounds soooo good to me right now and it's 9:30 a.m. lol Pancakes looked good too.
Looks like I am behind again on your blog. Your wip is looking great, so close to a finish. Good luck with your bed frame.
You sure are making progress on the animals pic (without a head). Cute kitty you won on the giveaway.
Glad to hear your hair is fixed.
Enjoy the holiday!
Chris B.
Hi Meari,
I just read your blog as I do every week. My guess was right
about the pancakes too! Could I please have the recipe. I tried
to enlarge it but just couldn't see the recipe right. I love zucchini pancakes & am always looking for new & better recipes.
Pam in PA
Awww, I was so hoping to see your magenta hair ;) Just kidding. Glad you got it changed.
GM looks awesome. Amazing progress :)
Congrats to Pirjo and to you! Your stitching looks awesome and I will have to try those zucchini pancakes. Good luck with hair coloring! A long, long time ago (in 70s) I had multicolored streaks in my hair (yellow, blue, purple etc.) but they were washable...
Hello Meari. Just wanted to tell you I love reading your blog. I read it every time you update just don't comment.
I secretly hope for a bad winter haha. I love snow and would love to see a whole bunch on the ground. I know you have to shovel and snow blow it though so I'll hope it just stays here haha.
GM looks great!
I will have to look into the "animal missing head" psychology. ;)
I'm sure it's just that after so many stitches in the one colour you decide that is enough.
but maybe it's a fear of barnyard animals. lol! :D
I look forward to reading your blog every week. It is relaxing and interesting.
cute winnings
Gentle Menagerie is looking great Meari - seems like you will be finished in no time! That goose needs a head!
What a cute little chart you won and the frame is gorgeous!
I expect a finish on your next Monday update (Tuesday?) since it's a holiday weekend. Still want to see a photo of your hair.
Gentle Menagerie is coming along nicely. And yes I had noticed that all of your updates were animals with no heads...LOL. The kitty chart and frame you won are too cute.
Sandy in NM
Gentle Menagerie is coming along nicely. And yes I had noticed that all of your updates were animals with no heads...LOL. The kitty chart and frame you won are too cute.
Sandy in NM
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