I'm back at it again. Another semester starts up this week. Originally, I had planned on taking a full class load... but that was *before* I got the second job gig. After some contemplation, I decided to go back to a part-time class load. At least until things get settled with J2 (Job #2). This semester, I'll be taking Business Finance. Wish me luck!
I finished the goat on GM, and started the pig. With working two jobs and going to school, I'm not sure how fast this is going to get done!
Julie from I'll Cross That Leg is hosting a giveaway to celebrate 100 followers. She and her DH celebrated 30 years of marriage last week, and she's also announcing a retreat. Hop on over and check out Julie's latest news!
Cyndi from Cynimin's Stitching Obsession is celebrating FIVE years of blogging with a giveaway.
Bette from Reflections of a Desert Rat is also hosting a giveway! If you're a cat lover, go see what she's got up for grabs.
Jennifer from Feathers in a Nest is hosting a Fall Giveaway. Check out her blog to see what you could win.
Fiona at Peaceful Threads is celebrating 100 followers. To celebrate she is hosting a giveaway. Surf over to blog to see what the prize is!
Lynn from Happiness Is Cross Stitching is celebrating her second blogversary. Go over and check out what she's made for her giveaway. Be sure to check out her lovely creations, too.
GM looks real good
You are making fantastic progress! Keep up the great work! You are sure busy. Send me some of your energy.....lol
Chris B.
Looking good, hope you can find the time to get more stitching in.
Your goat and cow are great! Well done, Meari!
Yea the heads are on!!!! LOL :))
Good progress Meari. You seem to be stitching more even with work, school, and more work.
Happy Stitchin'!
Love the stitching, it looks great.
Good luck with the new class, Meari. I've still got a couple weeks for my new semester to start up. You're stitching is looking really cute, and your new treasure is absolutely beautiful. I'm sure you'll enjoy having it, if for nothing else but the amazing craftmanship. 111 years is amazing.
Sandy in NM
I'm sure you'll do just great in your next class, Meari! I don't know how you manage to fit any stitching in at all with all you have going on, but your little pig will be so cute standing on top of the goat and cow. What a fun piece :)
What a great find. That sewing machine & cabinet is gorgeous!!!! You did great with the smaller sewing machine from the thrift store too. Your WIP is coming along great. Thanks for sharing.
Betty in AZ
Very nice stitching. Hope all goes well with the next semester!
Hope this new class goes well and I love your progress on GM!
I really love this one, Meari. So much so I searched out the pattern on ebay! My son, the Crown Prince, spent a year in Bremen and I've done him a traditional Town Musicians. This one will give him a laugh.
Meari, you keep your eyes on the end of the rainbow for school. Don't settle for less and plug away! We are here to lift you up in spirit and prayer on those tough days when you feel you are on your last 'thread'.
You are a bargain hunter like me...we have a nose that knows how to find 'stuff'. LOL I refinished my craft table which is a 'duncan fifthe'--not sure i am saying or typing that correctly--when i was 8 months prego with my matt matt who is now 13. The table belonged to my mother's best friend that passed away. I have a few other neat things too.
I don't know why I don't come here more often...dummy me...I always feel so much better when I follow meari's musings...thanks for all the time and effort you put into your monday musings...you keep a good blog that many folks look forward to every week...and that I, I am sorry to say, have been taking for granted. I will try to do better and visit weekly.
you are a very talented and wonderful lady. Thanks for all you do for the ladies at the group! You are AWESOME! hugs & friendship Queeny
woohoo. more animals down!
Looking lovely.
Good luck with your classes and I love the way GM is looking.
Good luck Meari and love GM!
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