When I got home from work, this was stuck in the door to my house:

Less than 24 hours before, I was mowing the lawn!!! My first instinct was to crumple the note up and throw it into the flower pot of one of her plants. That's why it's crumpled like that. While mowing, I had time to *think*. Here's the response I came up with:
Most people have different hopes than yours. For instance:
“I hope the neighbors get a life and mind their own business.”
“I hope the weather is nice today so I get the lawn mowed.”
“I hope I don’t run out of gas while mowing the lawn.”
The last one is what I was hoping for yesterday. I started mowing the lawn knowing I might not have enough gas to do the whole thing, which is why I started in the front. At least I had enough foresight to make sure the front looked good. Some people don’t think that far ahead. Today, I got gas on my lunch hour with the intention of finishing the job tonight since I knew the forecasters were calling for rain.
Thank you again for being such a good neighbor, and looking after my responsibilities. It must be a tough job keeping track of your life and mine. I’ll give you a bit of advice so you don’t waste your time writing notes. Get the facts, first. :) Hope all is well in your household. Have a great day!
I took her note and folded up inside mine and taped it to her front door. I wonder if she'll have a temper tantrum like she did over the wet newspapers that were HERS. I'm beginning to think 1) Someone has TOO much time on their hands. 2) Someone gets a cheap thrill out of writing notes.
I felt like saying: "I don't need a gatekeeper, and before you try running my household you should get your own in order since you're supporting a grown daughter with no job and grandson. Obviously, your parenting skills are lacking. Instead of keeping track of when I mow the lawn and how I mow the lawn, perhaps you should be telling your daughter to GET A JOB." Did I really write that? Oh, but that would be way too harsh!
Wow, you have some neighbor. Every time I hear about yours I am so much more greatful for mine. I would have thought that she would have assumed you ran out of gas when the back wasn't finished. I always start in the front and finish in the back just incase I run out of gas, or the lawn mower bogs down (if the grass is damp) and won't restart, or if I have to stop for another reason. Loved the response that you came up with, it was perfect.
You make me laugh Meari. You deal so well with the neighbor from hell. I would probably lose my temper. Your note is fabulous!
Oh for pete's sake...what a BUSYBODY! That would drive. me. nuts. if I had someone keeping tabs on me like that.
Love your response. Such covert sarcasm that will most likely be lost on the recipient, but fun to write anyway. :-)
A most excellent response! Can't wait to hear how she takes that!
Way to go, Meari!!
LMAO, this sounds like some of the fueds I have had with neighbors but I think yours are much worse. I love your sarcasm, your a girl after my own heart, LOL.
And the 2007 mowing season begins. What a pain in the butt your neighbor is. Any hope of her moving out - wish, wish, wish!!! lol
Barb in TX
ohhhhh I love your response to your neighbors thoughtless note ... I wish I had been like you over the years of horrible neighbors we had!
YIKES!!!! What a neighbor! Geesh!
Mow just your half of the yard next mow time and see what kind of note you get. Then you can make designs in it. :-) Onery? Who me? lol
Heehehe I laughed out loud when I read this. Hope it brought you some humor in writing it. Best way to go in handling a neighbor like that.
OMG!! You have the neighbor from hell!!! Sure reminds me of my MIL!!!!!! Geesh!!
Way to go! Your neighbor must not have a life to live...or so she thinks! Let us know if you get a response out of her with your reply to her note. LOL!!!
I like your response to her note! Sounds like she needs to move or get a life!
I thought my neighbors were bad; at least they would never actually walk onto my property to leave a note or anything! Well done on your response - I probably would not have been able to restrain myself that well.
You should leave her a note saying that while you commend her for reviving the ancient Victorian art of correspondances, that she must have missed the fact that they are suppose to be friendly, not hostile.
LOL - your response was so funny. It would be great if she would butt out and just worry about when it is her turn. Good luck with that!!!!
btw - I love the title of this post, your positive attitude to the 'neighbour from hell' probably keeps you sane.
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