For the past month and a half, I've felt really crappy healthwise... no energy whatsoever. A trip to the doctor resulted in me having to go have blood drawn today. 6 tubes!!! Depending on the results, I also may have to see an ears, nose & throat doc to determine whether or not I need to have my tonsils out. My doctor thinks my tonsils are unusually large and that I may have chronic tonsilitis, and that they may be obstructing my throat when I sleep. :(
It's only been in the past two days that I've actually felt like getting out of bed and doing something and not feeling like I needed a nap by 10am! I was feeling so -bleah- that the other day when I tried to stash shop, I walked down one aisle of Hobby Lobby, and then decided to go home because I had no energy to even enjoy looking. How sad is that?!
Anywho... Since I was in the big city for the lab work today, I figured I may as well pick up a few things needed to complete some projects. Wouldn't you know I picked up more than just a few things that were ON CLEARANCE!!!

At the LNS, I got:
Mill Hill Treasure 12151 - For biscornu to be completed at retreat in June
Just Nan Twinklings with beads & embellishments - 50% off
At Hancock Fabrics:
(2) 20x27 28ct linen - $1 each
(2) 20x30 14ct gold aida - $1 each
(1) 14x18 14ct pink aida - 25 cents
(2) DMC Cross Stitch Starter kits - $1 each
--- There's enough fabric to do two projects, plus floss, hoop, needle, and 4 additional charts. Plus it comes in an expandable zipper bag. Very cool since my 8yr old niece asked me to teach her!
(3) pkgs of notecards for 99 cents each
Spool black decorative trim - For needlebook
Spool gold decorative trim - For needlebook
1/2 yd. green oriental fabric - For needlebook
At JoAnn Fabrics:
1 yd. red oriental fabric - 40% off - For needlebook
Spool of tan/white ribbon - For retreat nametag
(2) 12x18 Hardanger - 50 cents each
Not a bad stash haul!!!
I'm sorry to hear you're not feeling well, Meari! Here's to better days soon!!!!
That is an incredible pile of stash you got - I am very jealous :).
Great haul and such a deal!! We both had good stashing this weekend! Hope you find out what's wrong soon, so you can make it better.
WOW, nice haul! Looks like you saved yourself alot of money!!
Sorry to hear about your medical situation. Hope are feeling better before the retreat. :)
WOOHOO new stash is always a great picker upper!!! nice haul.
You did have a good Stash shopping day.
I hope you have your test results back soon as well as are feeling better VERY soon!!
Wonderful stashing you did there!
It is fun to have great stash day and good bargain. Hope the doctor will find out the problem soon and you will feel better soon.
Great stashing ! Hope you are feeling better soon.
Way cool stashing. Great job.
Hope your feeling better.
Way cool stashing. Great job.
Hope your feeling better.
Sorry to hear that you're still feeling off. I hope that the doctor can find something easily treated and that you're feeling better soon. Wonderful stash that you found, that should keep you busy for awhile.
Hopefully you can find out why you're so tired! I hate feeling like that.
And congrats on the stash haul...WOW! You got some great deals! Our Hancock's had those intro kits marked 50% off, so I grabbed a couple for my girls, even though they're a bit young yet (one's 4, the other is 7 months). Love that pink DMC aida, too!
Yummy looking goodies! I do hope you get feeling better real soon!
Fabulous stash! I hope you get to feeling better soon!
Woo Hoo on your stash haul. What bargains you found! Hope you're feeling better real soon.
Barb in TX
Nice stash haul!
I had my tonsils out 6 years ago - it was the best thing I ever did, I have been so healthy since. Amazing how much effect those little things have on your body - if that is what is making you tired, don't hesitate to get them removed. Just make sure you have plenty of sick leave as I had to take 3 weeks off work, mind you, I had a job that involved talking to people...
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