Tonight was the Honors Convocation... a recognition of the highest achieving students of the graduating class. I presented with the Phi Theta Kappa stole (National Honor Society), and a silver cord indicating that I graduated not only with Honors, but HIGH Honors. Both are to be wore at Commencement, and are mine to keep. I am so proud of myself!
A funny thing happened when the faculty was presenting me with my honors cord. It just so happened that my Music History instructor was presenting the cords. He said to me: "So we meet again" and proceeded to put the cord around my neck. As he did so, he bumped my cap which was then no longer seated properly and ready to fall off my head at any second. I still had three other faculty members who I had to shake hands with and then proceed off stage. As I did so, I continually had to adjust my cap to keep it from falling off. The college video taped the ceremony, so I'm the only dork on the tape who had problems with her cap. LOL

Congrats dear heart! the cap thing sounds like something that would happen to me!
Big congrats! Such an accomplishment.
Congratulations on receiving High Honors...I am so proud of you. I also know what it is like not to have a family member suport you in this.
When I was going to step mother was against me going and she told me that I wouldn't turn out to be any good and my one older brother said the same thing to me as well too when I first started to go to college. Well guess what? I managed to get myself through College and I graduated in May of 2001 and my job that I had turn out to be what I wanted and I used what I learned in college at my job.
Whatever you do Meari...don't give up...keep your chin up High and continue with achieving your goals in your life.
Take care Meari
Linda K
Congrats on your honors achievement!
And I'm sorry none of your family or friends were there to share your day with you. I've been in situations like that and it's no fun.
Im sorry to hear about your family not coming out to support you. That happened to me when I graduated from college. But congratulations that is great and you did well!
Congratulations!! I am so sorry to hear about your family/friends not attending the ceremony. Big hugs to you.
Congratulations Meari. How proud you must have felt. I am glad you had the cap thing happen. Forever you will be remembered as being just a bit different than the rest of them. That is what I would want to have happen. Not being like the rest.
Congratulations on the honors! You've worked hard and earned them.
As for the family not attending. Well, the same thing happened to me. Actually I was mentioning that last evening. The only recognition I got was my name as a PS on a cake that was for my nephews Baptism. :)
But I knew what I had accomplished and was darn proud of myself. Still am. :) Be Proud of what you have acheived.
Congratulations Meari!
Congratulations on graduating with honours! I am sorry your family did not support you, but please know that we understand what an achievement that is. Well done!
Congrats on the graduation and congrats on the high honors!!!
Congrats on your honour! It's a shame your family wasn't there to see it. My son graduates in 2 years, you can bet your last bottom dollar I'll be there with bells on!
Congrats, Meari. Please know that your stitching "family" is behind you 100% and very proud of your incredible accomplishments. Your success is absolutely wonderful!! (And well deserved I might add)
Congratulations on your amazing achievement Meari!
I'm so sorry none of your family or friends were there to help you celebrate. What a loss for them!
Congrats on your graduation, I wouldn't worry about the cap thing and I'm so sorry none of your family came to see your graduation. Did any of your friends come to support you?
Congratulations on High Honors! I'm LOL at your cap issues - the day I graduated, it was SOOOO windy and I was sure the 27 bobby pins holding my cap on were not going to hold when I went to get my diploma.
I've tagged you! :)
We support you Meari! A big congratulations for such a major accomplishment!
Congratulations!!!! YAY!!!! YIPPEEE!!!! Don't worry about the family, none showed up to my College Commencement either, but I know they care and that's the main thing.
Meari -
Bless your heart!! Please know that you're On-line, stitching "family" is SOOOOO proud of you and I'm sure that we all wish we could have been there w/ you to celebrate your achievements!!
At times, our real-life families can be way less supportive than the good ole "Little House" or "Waltons" variety, can't they??
I hope you can just bask in the glow of your accomplishment and just feel proud of YOURSELF - knowing you did on your own!!!!
Congratulations, that is such an achievement. You should be very proud of yourself and what you've accomplished. I'm sorry that your family didn't come, that would be so disappointing. However, don't let it dim what was an amazing high point in your life.
Congrats! Sorry no one was there ... I know how you feel my mom miss my college graduation becasue she had signed up for a quilting class ... Be proud of yourself, you derserve it!
Congratulations! It's such an exciting time for you. :) Perhaps people didn't come because they didn't understand the importance of convocation? I would imagine that they will be there for the commencement exercises, though. If not, you know that so many of us are there with you in spirit!
1ST - Way cool! Congratulations! Woo hoo - way to go! Be proud.
2nd - why is it that the people who are suppose to love us the most are the ones that usually let us down the most? The heck with them! We love you.
Big congratulations from Michigan. Sorry that no one could show up for you on your big day. Families, what can you say.
Meari - how disappointing that no one could come and support you.
I hope you know that all your cyber family were there in spirit if not in body. We're all mighty proud of our Meari!
Were you proud of yourself? That is the most important thing - and you should have been, it is a great achievement.
As my DH says, family; you can't live with them and you can't kill them!!!
That is so awsome! I got goose bumps reading it! Wow! if I lived closer to you I'd have gone to support yah!
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