Even though I didn't finish my snowman RR, it's due to be sent out today so in the mail it goes. I'll finish my square when it comes back home. Here's what it looks like so far:

Look at this CUTE fabric!!!

Getting Fit
With my Dad being in the hospital this week, my fitness routine was thrown out of whack. I did manage to get in three aerobic workouts. There's something good that comes out of snowfall! LOL I also did my WATP 3-mile video. I really enjoy this one. It gives a good workout for my upper and lower body... especially lower.
I haven't said this lately, so here goes: I love FREECYCLE! This past week, up for grabs was a bunch of workout videos. Guess who was the lucky recipient?!? Moi!

Dad Update
I brought Dad home from the hospital Friday night. When my Mom and I arrived at the hospital, he was sitting in his chair with no shirt. Apparently, the ambulance didn't put his shirt with his belongings when they arrived at the hospital. So, he just put his coat on and we went home. The doctor decided not to put a pacemaker in, and adjusted his meds. He'll be following up with the doctor today then it'll be back to the VA hospital for treatment.
My sister called my cell phone when I was taking my Dad back home. She wanted to talk to him, so I handed him the phone and turned on the overhead light to the car. He had no idea how to use a cell phone, so he looked at it, turned it over, and asked how to use it. I told him he just needed to put it to his ear. By this time, I realized he turned it over and started laughing and told him he had it the wrong way. He was trying to talk into the backside of the phone! LOL My sister could hear what was going on and she was laughing, too. My parents definitely not technology savvy! LOL That was our humor for the day.
This & That
Homemade lasagna, anyone? Yummm!

I have never done a RR and don't think I can commit to one. It look great.
The fabric is pretty. I like shopping in Thifts stores. You never know what you are going to find.
I love FREECYCLE too. I post offers and have recieved great items myself. The best item I have recieved was a Kodak Easy Share diatial Camamra (It is the one I had been using to take pictures of my projects). I just bought a new Nikon CoolPix Camara and will repost the Kodak cammera today.
Glad your dad is doing better and is home. Keeping up to date with tech. is diffecult for me too....LOL
Have a relaxing week.
~Mary in TX
You were late in calling me to dinner LOL your lasagna looks awesome!
Hope things are better soon for your Dad I know how scarey not knowing what is wrong is. Your video stash looks awesome you will have buns of steel in no time :)
Take care
Your snowman looks great!:) Your lasagne looks quite yummy.
your RR piece looks great! I love how it looks, even if it isn't totally done! The pillowcase will be great for crafting projects! Good to hear your dad is home & seems ok! And the lasagna looks yummy! Gotta love homemade lasagna!!!!
mmm dinner looks yummy! Can't wait to see the pattern you're stitching from me :) How cool!!!!
OOOOHHH that looks so yummy. Ever since Greg was diagnosed with insulin resistance/diabetes, pasta has been pretty much out at the house. I have been wanting lasagne or manacotti for months now.
Love your RR and looking forward to seeing the ornie.
Happy to hear your Dad is doing better and hope they can get him back on the track to good health.
Ymmmmy Lasagna, may have to add that to the menu real soon.
What you have done on the snowman looks great. The lasagna looks delicious. I should arrive in a few hours to help you eat it. Hope your dad gets to feeling better.
The lasagna looks so yummy - and I bet it was yummy!!! I hope your dad will be better soon. My mum wasn't feeling well and we had a few months odyssee until they knew what was wrong.
The snowman turns out lovely and the fabric looks nice.
Meari, the lasagna looks good!!!
Good to hear about your Dad, hope everything works out. Way to go with the tapes.
Glad your dad is out of hospital.
Lasagna looks really yummy.
Look at it this way, you will look forward to finishing your snowman when he returns and it won't be so snowy out then! Dinner looks good, I can almost smell it from here. I still have to program the numbers for my parents in their phone, but at least they know how to use it! LOL
Love that lasagna! Darling fabbie, too! And, your snowman is a hoot...not seeing all of him, Meari!! LOL I am so sorry they treated your dad like that...leaving him without a shirt! That is just disgraceful! I hate when people are treated like that with such discourtesy. But happy he's just getting meds to come home. You are a wonderful daughter.
Great start on your RR and that is really funny about your dad.
Okay, what does WATP stand for and can I come get some of that lasagne? ;)
Meari, your snowman is looking good even though he isn't finished. I'm glad that your dad is doing better.
Yeah for dad!!! Next step, cell phone lessons LOL
The RR is looking good, as is that fabulous lasagna! I agree, the fabby is awfully cute :)
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