The first request comes from Vash who is requesting pictures ofthe back of your stitching... Are you brave enough to give this one a shot?
The second request comes from Singular Stitches, and she is asking for "a pictorial tour of the special place that you go to create your wonderful stitched creations."
Since my pictorial "tour" would be a bit fragmented due to having stash in various places throughout the house, I'm just including a pic of the area I stitch in most. The rest I'll describe best I can: I have two shelves in my "office" that are filled with cross stitch books, patterns, and magazines. I have a craft cupboard in a spare bedroom that is home to: 11 floss cases with floss wound on bobbins, a small storage case with excess unwound floss, a tackle box full of metallic floss, two bead storage units, 2 medium suitcase-type storage containers with various fabrics and kits, and all my scroll rods. On the desk beside the craft cupboard, is a double magazine case that holds kits, and another box with evenweaves and linens. Beside my sofa is a basket full of stitching magazines, patterns and kits. What can I say... I'm a collector! I've also got goodies in bags (from my shopping trip two weeks ago) on the floor of my office that I haven't managed to find time to put away yet. One day I'd love to have a room just dedicated to my crafty stuff... and another room for my photography stuff.
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