Actually this is a non-stitching update: I took a small break from stitching because I had quite a few projects that needed to get framed. As you can see from my previous entry, I framed up the Pot of Flowers – that’s what I’m calling it since I don’t really know anything about my “rescue”.

I still need to frame LK’s How Does Your Garden Grow. I actually stitched it back in April. Lastly, there’s an Oriental Lady that was stitched in the mid-80’s – Yet another “rescue”. It seems I still have my work cut out for me!
Just what is a Meme??
meme (mem) n. A unit of cultural information, such as a cultural practice or idea, that is transmitted verbally or by repeated action from one mind to another.
We stitchers are a culture in and of ourselves, aren’t we? Novel concept!
Now for the meme...this one has to do with floss storage:
1. How do you store your floss? – I wind my floss onto bobbins. I use like the cardboard ones even though in recent years they’re being made very flimsy, if you ask me. I know, I know: No one is asking, right?! Currently, I store them in the typical craft/floss storage containers. Is 11 floss cases too many? Don’t answer that. I have a nice fishing tackle bag that holds 8 huge containers, but I have yet to put my bobbins in it. For my "specialty" threads: The silk fibers are on bobbins in a small storage container as I don’t have many. I have a smaller tackle bag for those also. The DMC Light Effects are as I bought them and stored in a fishing tackle case. Still trying to figure out how to store them once used because they’re rather unruly!
2. Do you keep a complete set of DMC? – Ha!! Ummm… Can I plead the 5th here?? I think I may have at least 2 complete sets of DMC and then some. I have the entire set of Light Effects. Eventually, I’d like the Color Variations.
3. Do you buy new floss to "kit" up new projects or do you use out of a master set? – It’d be rather silly of me to go buy new floss to “kit up”. Wait, maybe that’s how I ended up with duplicates! Again, I plead the 5th. Usually, I will take from the master set. When working on projects, I’ll put the needed colors in one small craft container.
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