I have an ORT jar that I put them in, as well as one of those over-the-arm pincushions with attached thread bag. When they get full, I just throw them away. For a while, I was sending them to a lady on one of the Yahoo groups (Don’t know what she did with them).

What's an ORT?
Ort: noun; a snippet or leftover bit of thread, usually resulting from a voracious addiction to handcrafted needlework.
What do *you* do with your orts?
I just throw mine in the garbage but i know some who leave them outside for the birds to pad their nests with.
I'm in love: with the mouse !!! Sorry: can't resist cuteness :-D
both of your little containers are adorable!!! I keep my orts in a canning jar. They look so pretty in it!
Oh, just LOVE that mouse. I try to throw my 'ort's away - though so many of them find their way onto my families clothing, and it drives them crazy!
I have a tin where I collect them in, and somehow that tin never seems to get full. Soon as it looks full, me or my daughter put a hand in and compressing them a bit...and off I go again. I have NO clue what I'll do with them once the tin is really full.
That's the prettiest ort jar I've seen - that mouse is adorable!
I use a Snip Its Jar indoors but use a tiny box for outside - I would hate my jar to get broken in the garden.
Mine pile up as I am working then I pitch them in the trash. I never thought about a container. I do have a Boyds bear bowl that would work great!
I love your mouse ort container. Just so precious. I'm thinking of using my orts as stuffing for a small ornament. Might as well recycle if possible. ;D
Barb in TX
You have one of the cutest ort jars I've seen! Really adorable!
I use the lid of a 12 pack Ferrer Rocher chocolates. And just toss it out, usually when I have added a needle or something that is not an ort.
Ahhhhh, your ort mouse is adorable. :) As for what I do with mine? I collect them in a see through jar. All the different colors are so pretty. I read about an idea that I want to try this Christmas. Find some clear glass Christmas balls and fill them with the orts from your projects. A great conversation piece. "Let's see this red was from the ..................
Your ort jar is adorable. I just put mine on the end table where I stitch until I'm done then throw them away.
I've wondered before, what if I kept all of the treads that I had since I started stitching. That would be a huge pile.
I LOVE that little ort bag, is there a pattern for it somewhere?! I definitely need something like that haha I just toss my snippits on the end table and they end up getting blown off and then move around getting stuck on pets and stuff until I vacuum them up :/ haha
Must find 'ort place'. (
I just learned the word Ort
That is a cute ort jar. I like your definition of ort. That is soooo true. LOL!!
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