My latest project is primering and painting the kitchen cabinets. What was I THINKING when I thought I could get it done in one weekend?!? This is all farther I got. (Of course, I suppose it would be farther along if I weren't stitching and watching the Olympics)
Aug 11, 2008
Warning! Disaster Zone Ahead
Oh wait... It's a disaster zone in -every- area of my house! It seems I have a project going in every room. For the couple rooms that don't have one going literally, there's one going on in my head.
My latest project is primering and painting the kitchen cabinets. What was I THINKING when I thought I could get it done in one weekend?!? This is all farther I got. (Of course, I suppose it would be farther along if I weren't stitching and watching the Olympics)
My latest project is primering and painting the kitchen cabinets. What was I THINKING when I thought I could get it done in one weekend?!? This is all farther I got. (Of course, I suppose it would be farther along if I weren't stitching and watching the Olympics)
homestead chronicles
I just love your blog!! It's wonderful and always inspiring! Have a great week, Meari!
Happy Stitching!
Dawn in NC
Some things are worth putting off, especially for the Olympics and stitching. Good luck with the rest.
Don't you hate how house projects always take WAY longer than you think they will?!!
Enjoy the Olympics and stitching, I know I am. :-)
Don't projects always take longer than you expect? I thought we could get our floors done in a day or two....silly woman, me!
I'm actually amazed that you didn't get them finished over the weekend. Guess your energy sometimes goes on slow speed. LOL
Barb in TX
I can relate, Meari! I've got several projects in various stages and several more planned. I think I'm better at the planning than the execution. Ah,the joys of home ownership! Nancy D.
A weekend?? Are you kidding me? Gonna have them done by Sept??? LOL
You are always doing some great home improvement! Please come to my house!
Good luck finishing the cabinets.
Debra in Indiana
You'll get them done.....before the Christmas holidays. LOL Actually, I know you will get them done a lot quicker than that as you work hard at warp speed!
You'll get it all done....after the Olympics. :)
I have two disaster zones going on in my house... The craft room/Kathe's new room and the messy room (which I need to stop calling like that! lol), but I will take until the end of my vacation to finish them up!
Good luck with all your projects, sounds like you're going to be quite busy for a while. I need to get one of my smaller rooms painted too, but I keep putting it off. Your earlier project Believe looked so cute. As to the stocking, nope couldn't tell you did the colors in reverse. :)
You and I are working on the same project! Are you painting your white again??? I've been experimenting with different colors to use. I really wanted black, but I'm a bit hesitant. I'm going to start this weekend, so we'll see what I choose. LOL. Have fun!!! It's very therapeutic to paint.
lol, it *never* ends, Meari! I know you're loving every minute of it, and so are we (regular readers) :-)
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