This is my oldest UFO. It's called "Mime" by Candamar Designs. My oldest brother bought this kit for me as a Christmas gift back in the late 80's/early 90's (The copyright date of the kit is 1987!) when I first got serious about stitching. I did start stitching it back then. But, then it was buried amongst my cross stitch stuff for the longest time. I had forgotten about it until last year when I was going through my stuff. I decided it was about time I finished it. Here's the progress so far:

You can see other progress pics
It's a stamped, embellished kit and as you can see there is a LOT of backstitching. It doesn't take long to do, but it does get monotonous! It also seems that I'm taking a step backward in stitching this since my stitching skills have advanced soooo much since I first received this kit. But because my brother gave it to me, I'm going to finish it and put it up on my wall of stitching. Or, maybe I'll give it to his youngest daughter for her room.... Now there's a thought.... Hmmmm
Go, UFO finisher! This should give some encouragement to all the people with old, old UFOs (maybe even me) to get them out and finish them.
Wow, it's coming along great!! Love the design. Way to go. Copyright 1987? I was only 5 then (shock ;))
wow, it's coming along great. What a lovely design. Way to go you!
Copyright 1987?? I was only 5 then!!
You are really making progress. Congrats on the UFO work - I need to do some of that...
It's a very cute design.
The Mime looks great. Would be a lovely gift for a young girl. I admire you getting the UFO finished.
It's looking very cute, nice progress.
I did one for my Mom called Mandolin Mime, I really enjoyed stitching it.
It's looking good! You've made great progress on it.
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