Lucky #4?
Right before the Superbowl last night, it started to snow... and snow... and snow! We got another 4-5” of the white stuff. Lately, four seems to be the number of inches we've been getting each time it snows. The snow had stopped by the time the game was over and the several neighbors were out at 9:30pm blowing snow. So I thought I’d join the club! A bit before 11pm, I put the blower away. The entire driveway was cleared of snow. All that needed to be done was clean-up, which I did at 4am this morning. (And YES, I’m still in a good mood... LOL) Believe it or not, there were people out blowing snow by 4:30! Just to give an idea of how big my driveway is: It's approximately 124 feet long and 15ft wide (That's over 1800sq ft!). The lower half is on a steep incline, which is why I'm so anal about keeping it clean. Today, temps are supposed to hover are 39-40F and right now it’s raining. Forecasters say right behind this warm front is another big snowmaker that will hit us sometime tomorrow afternoon/evening. Nice. Not. The National Weather Service has my area under a Winter Storm Watch which means conditions are favorable for us getting another 6-10" of the fluffy white stuff. It's supposed to start late tomorrow morning and continue on into the evening with blowing and drifting snow.
I thought the following were appropriate:

Get Fit Challenge
I’m proud to say that I’m doing very well even if I haven’t lost any weight. I think it’s all being redistributed because my clothes… slacks/jeans especially are feeling very baggy. Even my coworkers comment on how my clothes look baggy. Today, I had to wear a belt with my slacks because they’re too big. Here’s what I’ve been doing:
• 40-50 minutes of aerobic exercise, 4-5 times a week
• 15 minutes of strength training twice a day, 3-4 times a week
• 32-48oz of water per day, 6-7 times a week
• 5 servings of fruits/veggies, 3-4 times a week
B-Law II and Access
Since classes were cancelled last week due to weather, I debated whether I should do the reading and assignments due for this week’s B-Law class. Yes, No, Yes, No… What’s a girl to do? I decided I’d better do them because with my luck, the instructor would lecture on them and I’d get called on to answer one of the assignments. The instructor for my Access class finally graded all my assignments and quiz that I uploaded over two weeks ago. I scored 100% on all the assignments and 96% on the quiz. Woo Hoo! I emailed the instructor asking for clarification on what I missed, in case it shows up in future assignments.
I talked to my Dad on Sunday morning and he said he was feeling much better. He claims the water pills aren’t working the way they’re supposed to. What he means is they don’t make him pee as quickly as they claim. What’s a few hours?? LOL He was supposed to have a procedure where the doctors go in and “burn out” the arteries so that his heart can pump more efficiently. That’s on hold because they found a blot clot in one of the arteries and they’re waiting for it to dissolve before proceeding. He was told that with blood clots, there’s a 50/50 chance that it could break loose (rather than dissolve) and cause him to have a stroke. Ack! What?!? I’m hoping that’s not the case.
I'd planned on working on more of the border for my RR, but by the time I finished one chapter of reading/homework, my shoulder was hurting me and I decided to lay down on rest it. By the time the Superbowl was over, it was feeling much better. So, no stitching this past weekend.
I hope the forecast snow is not as bad as they are warning. Well done on the get fit challenge. You are definately making a difference. You must feel better too. Congratulations on the marks for your assignments, they are great! I am glad that your dad is improving. It must be a relief to you. Never mind about the stitching, you had a good weekend anyway and there is always next week!
I'm glad you were able to use your new toy !! lol It makes you an early bird !!!
Cross my finger that nothing bad happen to your dad ;-)
Glad you and the snowblower had such fun! i will be praying for your dad! And way to go on the excersise and all
That is a lot of snow, good thing you got that blower! Just in a nick of time. Glad to hear your Dad is okay! I hope things will straighten out for him-he has seen a lot of the ER in the last few months or so.
Sounds like you and T had a wonderful meal. I am glad it went so well.
Happy Belated Birthday!
Good job on the fitness challenge!
All your posts about shoveling snow make me very glad to live in a warm climate.
Relieved to hear your Dad is getting better.
Your snowblower is sure getting used this year, what perfect timing you got it when you did. We ended up getting about 8 and a half inches here, on top of about an inch or so of slushy/sleety stuff, what a mess.
Congratulations on doing so well with your get fit goals, and with your progress in your classes. Hope your dad continues to do better.
Aw man Meari, you really got hit with the white stuff this winter! I'm sorry! Normally we have snow on the ground from Dec - March, but right now NONE and it looks like we'll dodge the rest of the storms others are getting. I hope your father is doing well. I'm going slow on this RR as well, the border in fact I'm going to do when it comes home so I can get an idea of a look after all the pieces are stitched up.
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