Still no response as to whether T found the card, or even liked it. As Deborah says: Men are like buses. A new one comes along every 15 minutes.
At work, I received a big box of chocolates and a hand-made card from the firm. One of my coworkers gave each of us a heart-shaped sugar cookie. *ack* Like I need this stuff when I’m on the Get Fit Challenge. I appreciate the gestures, though. :) I also received an email from a client wishing me a Happy Valentine's Day. Interesting that he did that...
I ended up with a migraine mid-afternoon on Valentine’s Day. It was all I could do to finish my workday. So I had to cancel my movie/dinner plans. Instead I sat in the dark and tried to watch a movie. I can’t remember the name of it now (That's how bad it was), and suffice to say it was so not conducive to a warm and fuzzy Valentine’s Day evening. (Yet it was in the “Celebrate with these movies perfect for Valentine’s Day” section of Blockbuster – Go figure.)
I talked to a friend over the weekend, and he asked me what I got for Valentine’s Day. My response was: “Do you mean what did I buy for MYSELF for Valentine’s Day?” LOL To which he responded: “I didn’t get anything either. Oh, wait. Yes, I did. I got a text message from you.” It’s always nice to know someone appreciates the little gestures. :)
There was some truth in my response, however. As stated in a previous post... I bought myself two pairs of slacks, two sweaters, and a lace top (which had to be ordered because the store didn’t get them in). For future knowledge: If a store has a sale, won’t be getting the merchandise in (fine print: Not all stores will be carrying blah, blah, blah – saves them from the “false advertising” claim), and has a website... ask the store to order it. You’ll save on shipping and they’ll ship it directly to you. At least that’s what happened in this case. I also bought a cool beaded watch and matching bracelet. Everything was 40=50% off! I don’t go shopping very often, so this was all a big deal for me. So Happy V-Day to me!!
I didn't get a card or a chocolate either :-(
Has T not even been in touch?
Hooray for smaller sized clothing!! I moved from a size 24 pants (which I have worn FOREVER) to 20 this summer. The goal is to get out of the 1X, 2X, 3X section and back to regular clothing. I am starting to wear normal XL tops, so someday I might even see 16 pants. Well, it's a dream. Congratulations on the size 10s!
Hmm, my DD sent me a text saying Happy Valentines, and my mom sent me a card, so.. I think I'm in about the same boat for Valentines. Oh well, I got lots of kisses from my furbabies so that should count too. :)
Congrats on the shopping trip, sounds like you got a lot of great stuff and how fun to have them in such a smaller size. You're doing great with your eat right get fit plan.
Sorry to hear that you hurt your shoulder with the heavy bags of salt. Hopefully it is better now. We got a lot of rain and then it started to freeze up too, so I was out with salt as well. This winter sure has been, ummm, interesting. I so want summer to be here.
Somehow I missed Catch and Release, it sounds from your write up a fun movie. Think I need to hit the rental place this weekend, thanks for the suggestion.
Hope the ice melts soon so you don't have to deal with more on top of what you already have. Yesterday it was 80+ and today it only hit the low 60's. If the weather could make up it's mind we would all be better off. Sounds like you got quite a deal on the clothes. Congrats on the weight/inches lost. Nothing better than losing weight/inches and being able to get a new wardrobe!!
Sorry about T not responding on Valentines Day; wish we could find out whether he received the text message. I have received text messages a day after it was sent but since it's been five days I think we can safely "assume" he did receive it. Men; they are so weird!!
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