Apr 4, 2008
It's a RAK!
And it covers half my dining room table!
Terri in NY was kind enough to send me a bunch of aida that I can use to teach my nieces how to stitch. She had said there was a lot, but I was still surprised when a good sized box arrived. I had picked up my mail on the way from the dentist to work and quickly opened the box to see what was in there. I saw aida and didn’t think much of it since I knew Terri was sending it. Imagine my surprise when I received a response from my “Thank you” email that said: “I hope the kits were OK to send.” What? What kits? She had put them in the bottom of the box under the fabric and I didn’t even know they were there. Hopefully, the nieces will “get hooked” on stitching! Again… Thank you Terri, for your generous gifts!

cross stitch
What internet can do is amazing and wonderful :-)
What a nice gift - I'm sure that with your example, your nieces will take to stitching like ducks to water!
Wow, ask and you shall receive. This should keep them busy for awhile!
They will have fun learning from you. There is enough aida there for a lot of projects. Have fun.
that looks like a wonderful RAK. Good luck on learning your nieces how to stitch.
Fabulous RAK!
I hope that your nieces will learn to love to stitch, just like the rest of us have!
WOW that is an awesome RAK... Congrats
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