I started my Christmas ornie for April, which calls for fuzzy stuff on part of the scarf and the hat. I'm using
Wisper Floss by by Rainbow Gallery. I've been using one strand over-one on 22ct aida. Here's what it looks like after I "brushed it" up with a toothbrush:

Is that how it should look? Maybe it's just me, but I think it looks a bit cramped and I'm not sure what to do about it. I'm not even sure I'm using the floss correctly. I did the full X, is that right? Or, should I be doing only the half "/"?
I'm debating whether to frog it, or leave it and see how it goes... Any ideas would be appreciated.
Yours looks good. I have used this on two pieces stitched on 28ct over two and was not pleased with the coverage. I had to carry an extra piece of regular floss to get the coverage. How many strands are you using?
I would think it would be hard to frog, being fuzzy and all. It looks OK to me, but I have never used the fuzzy stuff. Maybe it will look better when it is finished.
Over 14/28 I use 1 strand of DMC and 1 strand of Wisper. And I wait till the entire area - including at least an inch around the Wispered area - before fluffing up the fuzzy. Toothbrushes are great for this, IMHO.
I've never used it but have heard stories about it. I have heard that you should leave it till all the other stitching is done so it doesn't get flattened by the other stitches and then you fluff it up.
it's definately hard to frog....I think it's looks devinely fuzzy...I think it may look cramped because you're doing it over 1 on 22ct, it's really mean for over 2 on 28ct..but I think you'll do fine :)
You're using it correctly. Stitch like you normally would then "fluff" with a toothbrush after everything is done. It looks cramped because of the fluff on the strand.
As for tips for using, I use small lengths. Around the same length you would use for metallics, if not shorter. Also I stitch everthing else, and stitch with Wisper last. I think I even cleaned and pressed a project before I stitched with Wisper last time I used it.
I have never used it so I am no help. I think it looks okay.
I think it looks good, but if it is difficult to work with, you might want to just do half stitches, but do them this way \\\\ so that they look right. When you only do this leg /// it clashes with the complete ex. Does that make sense?
I used it once...save it for the last bit of stitching. It looks good to me! huggles, Marta
Hi Meari. I wouldn't frog it, at least not yet. Lisa gave you the tip that you need, I believe. Once you brush it with the toothbrush, you will see "fur" not "crosses", and you will probably be happy that you got such coverage under the fur.
I am using some of this same stuff on the "fur" on Ebenezer's jacket. I am using mine 2 strands on 18 count linen over two. Like you I thought it looked cramped, until I brushed some of it. Then I was glad I had used the double strand. There is not even a hint of the brown linen showing through.
Wanda in Edmonton
I think it's looking great! I've only used Wisper once and I had trouble getting even stitches on a higher count evenweave. Yours looks good to me, though. :)
Hi Meari, it looks good to me :-)
I used it only half cross, on the top part and fluffed it when finished with a tootbrush
yes it is hard to frog
Alba aka witch_is_in
I had some of the same issues when I used it on 5 O'clock somewhere. I went back and crossed them instead of 1/2 stitches. Since the beads are so big on the glasses, I did not put glass on this one and I have been called its ready to pick up from the framer. I may take a toothbrush to it when I get it home. It's in my Multiply 2007 finishes and you can zoom in on it if you want a close up look. I definitely used shorter lengths!!
I agree with several of the other commentors. I would leave the Wisper until last. I think on 22 ct. fabric, I would try doing half crosses and see if it looks better to you. I have used it on a couple of things, but only for a few stitches and usually on 28 ct fabric over two and that makes it a larger stitch than your 22 ct over 1. Experiment until you like the look.
I love the fuzzy stuff on the ornie. Good progress so far.
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