The winner this round is.....
She guessed correctly that it was a toilet paper holder.
Who'da thought I'd be writing about toilet paper? Not toilet paper per se, but the holder itself. If I had my choice, I'd go and buy any of the fantastic easily mounted-on-the wall type of holders. However, with my bathroom walls covered in porcelain tile, my choices are limited.

A few weeks ago, I found an antique brass one at an Ace Hardware store about 40 minutes from my house, so I picked one up when I took my niece shopping. When I got it home and looked at it in the bathroom, I found that it was too dark so I ended up taking it back last weekend.
Several months ago, I read about Habitat for Humanity ReStores. They're retail outlets for gently used building materials and home appliances. The store I went to wasn't very big, but I was surprised at some of the things they had. Imagine my surprise when I saw that they had not one, but 4-5 recessed TP holders. Some were still in the packaging. I left the store without anything because the one I liked wasn't the right color.
Half a block away, a light bulb went on in my head... I could paint it to match the mirror I refinished last month! For $2, I got this:

Like a dummy, I used the power drill to try and screw the plastic piece back on to the border. Just a TAD too strong because the entire thing flipped out of my hands and hit the kitchen floor. I imagine there was a mixture of horror and outright disbelief at what laid in PIECES. Yup, the plastic part shattered!So much for my matching TP holder. I'm hoping one day to find another plastic part, or an entire holder like it that isn't too expensive.
Congratulations to Glenda in MT for guessing correctly!
Other winners of previous What Is This contests:
• Patty Smith in Canada
• Anita Sorrells in Illinois
• Cindy Smith in Illinois
that is the prettiest toilet paper holder I've seen!
You manage to find the neatest things, Meari. Love your new TP holder. Also congrats to Glenda for correctly guessing what it was. Gotta admit, I had no idea.
Barb in TX
WTG Glenda! Woo Hoo
I am in complete shock! I forgot i even guessed on this one :)
Never let it be said that i don't know my toilet paper!!!!!!!
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